
Business Development

Business Development

Private sector is a basis for efficient economic growth and development and is a source of the country’s wealth and competitiveness. Private sector creates jobs and incomes which allow more people in the country to benefit from economical growth. A powerful small business sector leads to greater competition and more efficient use of the resources. Private business plays a key role in technological development and innovations. Small and medium entrepreneurs constitute a powerful and dynamic group eager to participate in the decision- and policy making, thus leading to development of more pluralistic society and accountable political system. The economical and social benefits of the private sector development make it an efficient instrument for donors and communities to promote economies based on the principals of social just and market efficiency.


The key qualifications of ABG in the sector are:

  • Facilitation of institutional and legal frameworks for business development, stimulation of small business sector and innovation
  • Institutional development, policy changes
  • Investment promotion
  • Establishment of advisory networks for exchange of know how and information
  • Private business development in close co-operation with public authorities, NGOs, SMEs and other stakeholders
  • Direct advice and consulting to small and medium enterprises in business planning, marketing, access to finance, innovation, commercialisation, export
  • Assistance to microfinance institutions and private banks in developing credit products tailored to the needs of small and rural businesses
  • Complex training programmes for various target group on national, regional and local levels, including training workshops, seminars, study tours abroad
  • Dissemination through manuals, bulletins, mass media, websites

Our Key Projects in Business Development

Country – Kazakhstan
Donor – EuropeAid
Duration – 24 months
Status – completed

Country – Kosovo
Donor – GTZ
Duration – 6 months
Status – completed

Country – Mongolia
Donor – GTZ
Duration – 24 months
Status – completed

Publications related to Private Sector Development

Highlights from Our Publications:​

Business planning for Private Veterinary Units Manual

In Mongolia all veterinary services in rural areas are rendered by veterinary units (PVUs) which are private and operate as business entities. The private veterinarians very often lack business and management experience, which hinder development of a veterinary unit. The manual has provided basic knowledge on various aspects of company operations including legal framework for PVUs‘ operations, business planning, key marketing issues tailored to the current needs and requirements of veterinary units.

Single register of permissive documents

Clear and transparent regulatory environment is one of the important pre-conditions for successful business sector development. This publication in Russian and Kyrgyz languages summarised profound analysis of the regulatory and permissive environment of the Batken province. It provided detailed information on what permissive documents were required for all types of business in the Republic of Kazakhstan, where these documents could be obtained, what was the procedure, and lists addresses of the relevant organisations in the Batken oblast.