Expertise in Action: Our Selected Projects
agriculture and marketing
Technical Assistance for EU-Mongolia Animal Health and Livestock Marketing Project
- Country - Mongolia
- Donor - EuropeAid
- Duration - 60 months
- Status - completed
The main objective of the project is to support the Mongolian Government in its efforts to alleviate poverty of rural population through strategic development, sustainable support to private sector, economic diversification, reform of government’s services and institutions in the agricultural sector. Purpose of the project was to improve livelihoods of rural populations living on livestock production by establishing a productive and market-oriented livestock sector.
Project’s components were:
1. Government’s capacity building: a key component which covers measures for efficient sector management, sector policy development, support to private business, sector public finance management, training of government staff in program formulation, budgeting and monitoring, training for local government staff in policies implementation and budget control, monitoring of the new policies and regulations, advice for management of decentralised services to rural SMEs, advice for improvement of the sector legal framework.
2. Animal health: improvement of private veterinary services, capacity building for small and medium enterprises involved in the sector (service providers, research institutions, production enterprises), advice to establish reliable animal disease control and surveillance system, training and capacity building for the veterinary laboratory services etc.
3. Improvement of quality and efficiency of production and marketing: support to small and medium enterprises working in livestock sector and processing livestock-origin raw materials, improvement of sector statistics through establishment of Market Information System, participatory land use planning, capacity building of herder groups and cooperatives, increase of efficiency of livestock production and marketing, development of feeding system.
Specific activities implemented under the project included:
- Institutional capacity building in the agricultural sector: advice and assistance to the MoFA with regard to sector policy development and improvement of the legal framework of the livestock sector.
- Support and capacity building for private veterinary services.
- Upgrading of veterinary laboratory services through provision of equipment and training.
- Development of an animal disease control and surveillance system.
- Development of an animal identification system.
- Transmission of Marketing know-how and skills through training.
- Establishment of a Market Information System.
- Marketing and Export facilitation, introduction of Geographical Indications.
- Support to herder groups in sustainable land use management.
- Facilitation of donor coordination through strategy development, advice and training.
- Design of field trials for hay production.
- Identification of livestock slaughtering and processing equipment.
- Direct support to rural small and medium enterprises in livestock and processing sectors, including increasing efficiency of production and marketing.
- Improvement of access to credit for rural small businesses.
- Numerous publications, training events, dissemination activities, establishment of 2 web sites.
Project Impressions - Moments in Focus
Other Projects in Agriculture and Marketing
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- Analysis on Export Potential for Members of PEPEKO in Kosovo
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- Establishment of Collection and Distribution Network, Mongolia