Expertise in Action: Our Selected Projects



Institutional Building within National and Local Governments for Implementation of the Poverty Reduction Programme​

Project Objective: develop an efficient and transparent national and oblast M&E and feedback system for implementation of Support to Poverty Reduction Programme (SPRP) by pilot-testing alternative institutional arrangements and capacity building for poverty M&E and feedback on the government’s implementation of the Programme.

The activities of the project were co-ordinated with the Department for regional policy and inter-budget relations of the Ministry of the Economy, with the Department of Social Security and Financing of Budget Programmes of the Ministry of Labour, with oblast akimats and other relevant actors. The Project’s central office was located in Astana, pilot activities were concentrated in Almaty and Pavlodar oblasts.


Main activities of the project were:

  • in-depth analysis of all components of the Kazakh poverty reduction programme;
  • assessment of the current co-operation, control and communication system of the poverty reduction programme between the different Ministries involved and the different levels of administration (national, Oblast, Rayon);
  • review of monitoring system for Multi-Annual Budgeting for the entire complex of the poverty reduction measures. Advice on budget adjustment and planning methods;
  • definition of methods and instruments for the monitoring system, and strategies for data collection and data evaluation, design of reporting systems and software, planning of monitoring units, staffing and training of supervisors;
  • harmonisation of the monitoring system with all actors involved (Ministries, regional and local administration), testing of the monitoring system through case studies;
  • employment and training of selected staff, in-house training of administration in proper use of the designed and implemented monitoring system;
  • improvement of inter-Ministry co-operation.

Specific activities implemented under the project included:

  • advice and technical assistance to the Kazakh Ministry of Economics and Budget Planning and to the Kazakh Ministry of Labour;
  • capacity building and institutional strengthening within the Ministries and responsible departments of local administrations;
  • design of a monitoring system (MIS), introduction of the system on local, regional and national level, database development and management;
  • provision of equipment and software to oblast and central offices of MEBP and MLSP for database management and M&E;
  • training of staff on Ministry, Oblast and Rayon level;
  • implementation of awareness campaigns;
  • design and elaboration of software and computer networking, MIS establishment.