Expertise in Action: Our Selected Projects
Support to Rural Credit Improvement
- Country - Kazakhstan
- Donor - EuropeAid
- Duration - 36 months
- Status - completed
Overall aim of the project was to provide assistance and training to the Ministry of Agriculture, banking sector, farmers and farmers‘ associations on rural credit.

Project objectives were to improve the knowledge and understanding of commercial banks and financial institutions staff of the workings and specific requirements of agriculture, improve the knowledge and understanding of farmers, staff of farmers‘ associations and managers of rural enterprises of the specific requirements of banks and financial institutions in the application for credit investment and support.
The outcomes included the development of both physical and institutional infrastructure within the Ministry and the banking sector, essential for enhancing services to credit applicants. Additionally, there were enhancements in the services provided by banks, such as the establishment or improvement of regional training and advisory centers
Specific activities implemented under the project included:
- policy advice to improve the rural financing systems;
- training of bank staff in: assessment of collateral for loan applications, diversification of credit portfolio;
- assessment of large investment projects;
- monitoring of loan repayment;
- loan appraisal procedure for small loans (micro financing);
- training of agricultural consultants in business planning of agricultural enterprises and elaboration of bankable documents for credit appraisal;
- advising rural enterprises in investment opportunities.

Featured Projects in Access to Credit
- "Aiyl Bank" Institutional Building Adviser - Preparation for transformation to a bank, Kyrgyzstan
- Preparing Agricultural Credit Corporation for Privatisation, Azerbaijan
- Support to Rural Banking: Establishment of an Agricultural Credit Institution, Azerbaijan
- Rural Cooperative Strategies and Pilot Demonstrations Project Description, Russia
- Technical Assistance to World Bank Agricultural Post-privatisation Assistance Project, Kazakhstan